Head and Face in English to French

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Head and Face in English to French

head and the face – eye

the head and the facela tête et le visage
the (inner) earl’oreille (interne)
the (outer) earl’oreille (externe)
the cheekla joue
the chinle menton
the eardrumle tympan
the eyel’oeil

eyebrows – mouth

the eyebrowsles sourcils
the eyelashesles cils
the foreheadle front
the gumsles gommes
the lipsles lèvres
the mouthla bouche

nose – tooth

the nosele nez
the palatele palais
the teethles dents
the tonguela langue
the tonsilsles amygdales
the toothla dent

Head and Face in English to French

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