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Parts of the Human Body in English to French

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Parts of the Human Body in English to French

the human body – the big toe

English French
the human body le corps humain
the abdomen L’abdomen
the ankle la cheville
the arm le bras
the back l’arrière
the back of neck la nuque
the big toe le gros orteil

the breast – the finger

the breast la poitrine
the buttocks les fesses
the calf le veau
the chest la poitrine
the elbow le coude
the face la face
the finger le doigt

the foot – the leg

the foot le pied
the hand la main
the head la tête
the heel le talon
the hip la hanche
the knee le genou
the leg la jambe

the navel/belly button – the shoulder

the navel/belly button le nombril/nombril
the neck le cou
the nipple le téton
the penis le pénis
the rib la côte
the shoulder L’épaule

the stomach – the wrist

the stomach l’estomac
the thigh la cuisse
the thumb le pouce
the toe le doigt de pied
the vagina le vagin
the waist la taille
the wrist le poignet

Parts of the Human Body in English to French

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