French Words That Start With O
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Obéissance – Obliger
French | | English |
| | |
obéissance | | obedience |
obéissant | | obedient |
objectif | | objective |
objection | | objection |
Objet | | item |
objet | | object |
obligation | | obligation |
obligatoire | | obligatory |
obligé | | obliged |
Obliger | | force |
obliger | | oblige |
Obscur – Occulte
obscur | | obscure |
obscurité | | obscurity |
obsédé | | obsessed |
observation | | observation |
observatoire | | observatory |
observé | | observed |
obsession | | obsession |
obstacle | | obstacle |
occasion | | occasion |
occultation | | concealing |
occulte | | occult |
Occupation – Oeuf
Occupation | | occupation |
occupé | | busy |
occurrence | | occurrence |
océan | | ocean |
octave | | octave |
octobre | | October |
odeur | | odor |
odieux | | odious |
œil | | eye |
œsophage | | esophagus |
Oeuf | | egg |
Oeufs durs – Omelette
oeufs durs | | eggs hardboiled |
offenser | | offend |
officiel | | official |
officier | | officer |
offrir | | offer |
oignon | | onion |
oiseau | | bird |
olive | | olive |
ombre | | shade |
ombre | | shadow |
omelette | | omlet |
Omission – Opposé
omission | | omission |
OMS | | who |
oncle | | uncle |
ongle de main | | fingernail |
Onze | | eleven |
opaque | | opaque |
opérateur | | operator |
opération | | operation |
opportun | | opportune |
opportunité | | opportunity |
opposé | | opposite |
Opposition – Orateur
opposition | | opposition |
oppression | | oppression |
optimisme | | optimism |
optimiste | | optimist |
optimiste | | optimistic |
option | | option |
opus | | opus |
or | | gold |
orage | | storm |
Orange) | | orange (fruit) |
orateur | | orator |
Orbe – Organiser
orbe | | orb |
ordinaire | | ordinary |
ordonnance | | prescription |
ordonnée | | ordinate |
ordre de grandeur | | magnitude |
oreille | | ear |
oreiller | | pillow |
organe | | organ |
organisation | | organization |
organisé | | organized |
organiser | | organize |
Organisme – Organism
organisme | | organism |
Orient | | orient |
orientation | | orientation |
orienté | | oriented |
orienté vers | | facing |
originaire de | | native |
originalité | | originality |
origine | | origin |
ornement | | adornment |
ornement | | ornament |
orthodoxe | | orthodox |
Orthogonal – Oxygène
orthogonal | | orthogonal |
OS | | bone |
ou | | or |
où | | where |
oubli | | oblivion |
ouest | | west |
Oui | | yes |
ouragan | | hurricane |
ours | | bear |
outil | | tool |
ouverture | | aperture |
ouvrier | | worker |
ouvrir | | open |
OVNI | | ufo |
oxygène | | oxygen |

French Words That Start With O
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