Greetings in English to French
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
![Greetings in English to French]()
Hey – What’s new?
English | | French |
| | |
Greetings | | Les salutations |
| | |
Hey. | | Hé. |
How are we doing? | | Comment allons nous? |
How’s it going? | | Comment ça va? |
What’s going on? | | Que se passe-t-il? |
What’s new? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s new? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s shaking? – What’re you up to?
What’s shaking? | | Qu’est ce qui secoue? |
What’s up, buttercup? | | Quoi de neuf, bouton d’or ? |
What’s up? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s up? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s up? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s up? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’re you up to? | | Qu’est ce que tu fais? |
Hi. / Hey. – How’re you? / How are you doing? (informal plural)
Hi. / Hey. | | Salut. / Hé. |
Hi. How’re you? (informal plural) | | Salut. Comment vas-tu? (pluriel informel) |
Hi. How’re you? (informal singular) | | Salut. Comment vas-tu? (singulier informel) |
How are things? | | Comment ça va? |
How’re you? / How are you doing? (informal plural) | | Comment vas-tu? / Comment ça va? (pluriel informed) |
How’re you? / How are you doing? (informal singular) – What’s up?
How’re you? / How are you doing? (informal singular) | | Comment vas-tu? / Comment ça va? (singulier informel) |
How’s it going? (informal singular) | | Comment ça va? (singulier informel) |
How’s it going?(informal plural) | | Comment ça va ? (pluriel informel) |
What’s new? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s up? | | Quoi de neuf? |
What’s up? | | Quoi de neuf? |
Good afternoon – How are you? (formal plural)
Good afternoon. | | Bon après-midi. |
Good evening. | | Bonsoir. |
Good morning. | | Bonjour. |
Hello. | | Salut. |
Hello. How are you? (formal singular) | | Salut. Comment vas-tu? (formel singulier) |
How are you? (formal plural) | | Comment vas-tu? (pluriel former) |
How are you? (formal plural) – It’s nice to see you. (formal singular)
How are you? (formal plural) | | Comment vas-tu? (pluriel formel) |
How are you? (formal singular) | | Comment vas-tu? (formel singulier) |
It’s nice to meet you. | | Ravi de vous rencontrer. |
It’s nice to see you. (formal plural) | | Ça me fait plaisir de te voir. (pluriel formel) |
It’s nice to see you. (formal singular) | | Ça me fait plaisir de te voir. (formel singulier) |
Greetings in English to French
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