
Head and Face in English to French

Head and Face in English to French

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

head and the face – eye

English French
the head and the face la tête et le visage
the (inner) ear l’oreille (interne)
the (outer) ear l’oreille (externe)
the cheek la joue
the chin le menton
the eardrum le tympan
the eye l’oeil

eyebrows – mouth

the eyebrows les sourcils
the eyelashes les cils
the forehead le front
the gums les gommes
the lips les lèvres
the mouth la bouche

nose – tooth

the nose le nez
the palate le palais
the teeth les dents
the tongue la langue
the tonsils les amygdales
the tooth la dent

Head and Face in English to French

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