French Words That Start With Q
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
Quadratique – Qualité
French | | English |
| | |
quadratique | | quadrate |
quadratique | | quadratic |
quadratrice | | quadratrix |
quadrilatère | | quadrilateral |
quadruple | | quadruple |
qualification | | qualification |
qualifié | | qualified |
qualifier | | qualify |
qualitatif | | qualitative |
qualité | | quality |
Quantifier – Quaternion
quantifier | | quantify |
quantitatif | | quantitative |
quantité | | quantity |
quantum | | quantum |
quarantaine | | quarantine |
quarante | | forty |
quartier | | district |
quartier | | neighborhood |
quartile | | quartile |
quartz | | quartz |
quaternion | | quaternion |
Quatorze – Quel est le problème?
Quatorze | | fourteen |
quatre | | four |
quatre cents | | four hundred |
quatre vingt dix | | ninety |
quatre-vingts | | eighty |
Quatrième | | fourth |
quatuor | | quartet |
Que se passe-t-il? | | What’s going on? |
Quel | | what |
quel âge a-t-il | | how old is he |
Quel est le problème? | What’s the matter? |
Quel est son problème? – Qui
Quel est son problème? | What’s the matter with him? |
quelle? | | what? |
quelque | | few |
quelque | | some |
quelque chose | | something |
quelques | | a few |
quelqu’un quelqu’un | somebody, someone |
querelle | | quarrel |
question | | matter |
question | | question |
qui | | whom |
Quiconque – Quotidien
quiconque | | whoever |
quiétude | | quietude |
quinze | | fifteen |
quiz | | quiz |
quota | | quota |
quotidien | | quotidian |
French Words That Start With Q