French Words That Start With P
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Pacifique – Paradigme
French | | English |
| | |
Pacifique | | Pacific |
pacte | | pact |
page | | page |
pain | | bread |
paire | | pair |
paix | | peace |
palais | | palace |
pâle | | pale |
pâle | | pallid |
palpitant | | palpitating |
palpitant | | thrilling |
pamplemousse | | grapefruit |
panique | | panic |
pantoufle | | slipper |
papier | | paper |
papier (petit) | | paper (small) |
papier carton | | cardboard |
papillon | | butterfly |
paquet | | packet |
par | | by |
par | | per |
par | | through |
Par ailleurs | | otherwise |
par rapport | | compared |
parade | | parade |
paradigme | | paradigm |
paradis – participation
paradis | | paradise |
paradoxe | | paradox |
paragraphe | | paragraph |
parallèle | | parallel |
paralyser | | paralyze |
paramètre | | parameter |
parapluie | | umbrella |
parasite | | parasitic |
parc | | park |
pardessus | | overcoat |
pardon | | pardon |
Pardon | | sorry |
pare-brise | | windshield |
parent | | parent |
Parents | | parents |
parfait | | perfect |
parfois | | sometimes |
parfum | | perfume |
parlement | | parliament |
parlementaire | | parliamentary |
parmi | | among |
paroisse | | parish |
parole | | parole |
parrain | | godfather |
partenaire | | partner |
participation | | participation |
participer – pastèque
participer | | participate |
particularité | | particularity |
particule | | particle |
partie | | part |
partiel | | partial |
partisan | | partisan |
partout | | anywhere |
partout | | everywhere |
partout où | | wherever |
pas cher | | cheap |
Pas même une seule fois | | never once |
pas moi | | not i |
pas n’importe quoi | | not anything |
passage | | passage |
passager | | passenger |
passe | | pass |
passé | | passed |
passé | | past |
passeport | | passport |
passerelle | | walkway |
passif | | passive |
passion | | passion |
passionnant | | exciting |
passionné | | enthusiast |
passionné | | impassioned |
pastèque | | watermelon |
Patate – Pèlerin
Patate | | potato |
pâte | | paste |
paternel | | paternal |
pathétique | | pathetic |
patience | | patience |
patient | | patient |
Patinage sur glace | | ice skating |
Pâtisserie | | pastry |
patriarche | | patriarch |
patrimoine | | patrimony |
patriote | | patriot |
patriotique | | patriotic |
patriotisme | | patriotism |
pâturage | | pasture |
paume | | palm |
pause | | pause |
pauvre | | poor |
payable | | due |
paysage | | scenery |
pédagogique | | pedagogic |
pédagogue | | pedagogue |
peigne | | comb |
peint | | painted |
peintre | | painter |
Peinture | | paint |
pèlerin | | peregrine |
Pelle – Pertinent
pelle | | shovel |
pelouse | | lawn |
pendant (un moment) | | while (a while) |
pendentif | | pendant |
pénétrant | | penetrant |
pensait | | thought |
percer | | drill |
père | | father |
péril | | peril |
périlleux | | perilous |
périodique | | periodical |
perle | | pearl |
permanent | | permanent |
perpétuel | | perpetual |
perplexité | | perplexity |
persistant | | persistent |
personnage | | character |
personnage | | personage |
personnalité | | personality |
personne | | no one |
personne, personne | | nobody, no one |
personnes intéressées | | interested persons |
perspective | | prospect |
perte | | loss |
pertinence | | relevance |
pertinent | | relevant |
Pessimisme – Philosophe
pessimisme | | pessimism |
pétale | | petal |
petit | | small |
petit à petit | | little by little |
petit ami | | boyfriend |
petit fils | | grandson |
petit pain | | breadroll |
petit-déjeuner | | breakfast |
petite fille | | granddaugther |
pétition | | petition |
pétrole | | petroleum |
peu | | little |
peu fréquent | | rare |
peu importe | | whatever |
peur | | afraid |
peur | | fear |
peut être | | maybe |
peut-être | | perhaps |
peut-être | | possibly |
pharmaceutique | | pharmaceutical |
pharmacie | | drugstore |
pharmacie | | pharmacy |
phase | | phase |
phénomène | | phenomenon |
phénomènes | | phenomena |
philosophe | | philosopher |
Philosophie -Piège
philosophie | | philosophy |
philosophique | | philosophical |
photo | | photo |
photocopieuse | | photocopy machine |
photodégradable | | photodegradable |
photographe | | photographer |
photographier | | photograph |
photolyse | | photolysis |
photométrie | | photometry |
photomicrographie | | photomicrograph |
photon | | photon |
photorécepteur | | photoreceptor |
photosphère | | photosphere |
photosynthèse | | photosynthesis |
phototropisme | | phototropism |
photovoltaïque | | photovoltaic |
phrase | | phrase |
phrase | | sentence |
phrénologie | | phrenology |
phycoérythrine | | phycoerythrin |
phylum | | phylum |
physiologique | | physiological |
physique | | physical |
pièce | | piece |
pièce de monnaie | | coin |
piège | | trap |
Piété – Planche
piété | | piety |
pieux | | pious |
pieux | | pious |
pigment | | pigment |
pile | | pile |
pilier | | pillar |
pilote | | pilot |
pilule | | pill |
pin | | pine |
pionnier | | pioneer |
pirate | | pirate |
pire | | worse |
piscine | | swimming pool |
pistolet | | pistol |
pitié | | mercy |
pitre | | clown |
pittoresque | | picturesque |
place de parking | | parking space |
placer | | site |
placide | | placid |
plafond | | ceiling |
plage | | beach |
plainte | | complaint |
plaisir | | delight |
plaisir | | pleasure |
planche | | board |
Planétarium – Plutôt
planétarium | | planetarium |
planète | | planet |
plante | | plant |
planté | | planted |
planter | | seed |
plaque | | plaque |
plateau | | tray |
Plate-forme | | platform |
platonique | | platonic |
plébéien | | plebeian |
plein de | | full of |
plénitude | | plenitude |
pli | | ply |
pluie | | rain |
plume | | plume |
pluriel | | plural |
plus | | plus |
plus âgée | | older |
plus de | | over |
plus jamais | | never ever |
plus jeune | | younger |
plus maintenant | | no longer |
plus tard | | later |
plus-que-parfait | | past perfect |
Pluton | | Pluto |
plutôt | | rather |
Pluvieux – Police
pluvieux | | rainy |
PM | | P.M. |
poche | | pocket |
poêle | | stove |
poème | | poem |
poésie | | poesy |
poésie | | poetry |
poète | | poet |
poétique | | poetic |
poids | | weight |
poignard | | poniard |
poignet | | wrist |
point de vue | | point of view |
point d’exclamation | | exclamation mark |
point d’interrogation | | question mark |
point final | | period |
pointe | | tip |
point-virgule | | semicolon |
poire | | pear |
poisson | | fish |
poisson (cuit) | | fish (cooked) |
poivre | | pepper |
pôle | | pole |
polémique | | polemic |
poli | | polite |
police | | police |
Politicien – Possible
politicien | | politician |
politique | | political |
politique | | politics |
Pomme | | apple |
ponctuation | | punctuation |
ponctuelle | | punctual |
pont | | bridge |
Popcorn | | popcorn |
popularité | | popularity |
population | | population |
porc | | pig |
porc | | pork |
porc salé | | salted pork |
Port | | port |
Port | | port |
porte | | door |
portée | | ambit |
portefeuille | | wallet |
portion | | portion |
positif | | positive |
position | | position |
posséder | | own |
possesseur | | possessor |
possession | | possession |
possibilité | | possibility |
possible | | possible |
Postier – Précipitations
postier | | letter carrier |
pot | | jar |
potentiel | | potential |
potins | | gossip |
pouce | | inch |
poule | | hen |
poulet | | chicken |
poupée | | doll |
pour | | for |
pour | | to |
pour cent | | percent |
pour que | | so that |
Pourquoi? | | why? |
poussière | | dust |
pouvez | | can |
pouvez | | can |
prairie | | prairie |
pratique | | convenient |
pratique | | practical |
préalablement | | before hand |
précaution | | precaution |
précédent | | precedent |
précédent | | previous |
précéder | | precede |
précieux | | precious |
précipitations | | rainfall |
Précis – Préservatif
précis | | definite |
précis | | precise |
précisément | | precisely |
précuit | | precooked |
prédilection | | predilection |
prédominance | | predominance |
prédominant | | predominant |
préface | | preface |
préféré | | preferred |
préférence | | preference |
préhistorique | | prehistoric |
préjudice | | prejudice |
préliminaire | | preliminary |
premier | | prime |
première | | first |
préoccupation | | preoccupation |
préoccupé | | preoccupied |
préparation | | preparation |
préparé | | prepared |
préposition | | preposition |
près | | near |
près de | | close by |
présence | | presence |
présentation | | presentation |
présenté | | presented |
préservatif | | condom |
Préservation – Principe
préservation | | conservation |
présidence | | presidency |
Président | | president |
présomptueux | | presumptuous |
presque | | almost |
presse | | press |
pressé | | in a hurry |
pression | | pressure |
prestige | | prestige |
présupposé | | presupposed |
prêt | | ready |
prétendant | | pretender |
prêter | | loan |
prétexte | | pretense |
prétexte | | pretext |
prêtre | | priest |
preuve | | evidence |
prévenant | | considerate |
prévision | | forcast |
prévoyance | | foresight |
primaire | | primary |
primaire | | primary |
prime | | premium |
primitif | | primitive |
prince | | prince |
princesse | | princess |
principe | | principle |
Priorité – Profil
priorité | | priority |
prison | | prison |
prisonnier | | prisoner |
privé | | private |
privilège | | privilege |
prix | | prize |
probabilité | | probability |
Probablement | | probably |
problème | | problem |
procéder | | proceeding |
procédure | | procedure |
procession | | procession |
proclamé | | proclaimed |
procureur de district | | district attorney |
prodigieusement | | stupendously |
prodigieux | | prodigious |
prodigieux | | stupendous |
production | | production |
produit | | produced |
produit | | product |
prof | | teacher |
professeur | | professor |
professeur de lycée | | high school teacher |
profession | | profession |
professionnel | | professional |
profil | | profile |
Profit – Protection
profit | | profit |
profond | | profound |
profondeur | | profundity |
programme | | program |
programme | | schedule |
progressive | | progressive |
proie | | prey |
projection | | projection |
projet | | project |
prologue | | prologue |
prolongé | | prolonged |
prolongement | | prolongation |
promettre | | promise |
pronom | | pronoun |
prononcé | | pronounced |
prononciation | | pronunciation |
prophète | | prophet |
propice | | propitious |
proportion | | proportion |
proposition | | proposition |
propriétaire | | owner |
propriétaire | | proprietary |
prose | | prose |
protagoniste | | protagonist |
protection | | protection |
Protocole – Psychromètre
protocole | | protocol |
Providence | | providence |
Province | | province |
provincial | | provincial |
proximale | | proximal |
proximité | | adjacency |
proximité | | proximity |
prudence | | prudence |
prudent | | careful |
prudent | | cautious |
prudent | | prudent |
psychologie | | psychology |
psychologique | | psychological |
psychromètre | | psychrometer |
Public – Pyramide
public | | audience |
publication | | publication |
publicité | | publicity |
publié | | published |
Publier | | post |
publier | | publish |
Publique | | public |
puéril | | puerile |
puisque | | since |
puissance | | potency |
Puissance | | power |
puissant | | potent |
pupitre | | desk |
pur | | pure |
pureté | | purity |
puzzle | | puzzle |
pyjamas | | pajamas |
pyramide | | pyramid |

French Words That Start With P