French Words That Start With M
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Ma – Mais
French | | English |
| | |
ma | | my |
machine | | machine |
machine à écrire | | typewriter |
machinerie | | machinery |
Mademoiselle | | miss |
magasin | | shop |
magasin de chaussures | | shoestore |
magasin de vêtements | | clothing store |
magazine | | magazine |
magicien | | magician |
magique | | magical |
magistral | | magisterial |
magistrat | | magistrate |
magnésium | | magnesium |
magnétique | | magnetic |
magnifique | | beautiful |
magnifique | | magnificent |
magnifique | | wonderful |
mai | | may |
maillot de bain | | bathing suit |
main | | hand |
maintenant | | at present |
maintenir | | maintain |
maintenir | | maintain |
maire | | mayor |
mais | | but |
Maïs – Manifestation
maïs | | corn |
maïs | | maize |
mais (suite à une déclaration négative) | but (following a negative statement) |
maître des cérémonies | | master of ceremonies |
majesté | | majesty |
Majeur | | major |
majorité | | majority |
mal | | ache |
mal | | bad |
mal de tête | | headache |
malade | | ill |
malade | | sick |
maladies | | illness |
malheur | | misfortune |
Malheureusement | | unfortunately |
malheureux | | infelicitous |
malice | | malice |
malin | | malignant |
manche | | sleeve |
manchot | | penguin |
mandat | | mandate |
manganèse | | manganese |
maniable | | manageable |
manière | | manner |
manifestation | | manifestation |
manifestation | | protest |
Manifeste – Marque
manifeste | | manifesto |
manipuler | | manipulate |
manœuvre | | maneuver |
manque | | lack |
manuscrit | | manuscript |
maquette | | model |
marathon | | marathon |
marbre | | marble |
marchande | | merchant |
marchandise | | commodity |
marche | | walk |
marché | | market |
mardi | | Tuesday |
margarine | | margarine |
marge | | margin |
mari | | husband |
mariage | | matrimony |
mariage | | wedding |
marié | | married |
Marin | | marine |
marionnettes | | marionettes |
maritime | | maritime |
marque | | brand |
marque | | mark |
Marqué – Mauvaise humeur
marqué | | marked |
marquis | | marquis |
marraine | | godmother |
marre de | | sick of |
marron | | brown |
marron foncé | | dark brown |
mars | | march |
Mars | | Mars |
marteau | | hammer |
martyr | | martyr |
martyre | | martyrdom |
Masculin | | male |
masochisme | | masochism |
masquer | | mask |
massage | | massage |
Masse | | mass |
matelas | | mattress |
maternel | | maternal |
math | | math |
mathématique | | mathematical |
mathématiques | | mathematics |
matière | | subject |
Matin | | morning |
mature | | mature |
maturité | | maturity |
mauvaise humeur | | bad mood |
Maux de gorge – Médical
maux de gorge | | sore throat |
maxime | | maxim |
maximiser | | maximise |
maximum | | maximum |
mec | | guy |
mécanicien | | mechanic |
mécanique | | mechanical |
mécanique | | mechanics |
mécanisme | | mechanism |
mécontentement | | discontent |
médaille | | medal |
médecin | | doctor |
médian | | median |
médiat | | mediate |
médical | | medical |
Médicament – Mercredi
Médicament | | medicine |
méditation | | meditation |
méfiant | | suspicious |
meilleur | | best |
mélancolie | | melancholy |
mélancolique | | melancholic |
mélange | | mixture |
melon | | melon |
membre | | member |
même | | even |
même | | same |
même si | | although |
Mémoire | | memory |
mémorable | | memorable |
menace | | menace |
mendiant | | mendicant |
mensonge | | lie |
menteur | | liar |
mention | | mention |
mentionné | | mentioned |
mentir (dire des mensonges) | to lie (tell lies) |
menu | | menu |
mépris | | disdain |
mer | | sea |
Merci beaucoup | | thank you (very much) |
Mercredi | | Wednesday |
Mercure – Midi
Mercure | | mercury |
mère | | mother |
mérite | | merit |
mérité | | merited |
merveille | | marvel |
merveilleux | | marvelous |
message texte | | text message |
Messager | | messenger |
mesure | | measure |
métallique | | metallic |
métamorphique | | metamorphic |
méthode | | method |
méthodique | | methodical |
mètre | | meter |
métro | | subway |
métropole | | metropolis |
mettre en œuvre | | implement |
mettre fin | | terminate |
meubles | | furniture |
meurtre | | murder |
Miche de pain | | loaf of bread |
microphone | | microphone |
microscope | | microscope |
midi | | midday |
midi | | noon |
Mien – Minute
mien | | mine |
mieux | | better |
mignon | | cute |
mile | | mile |
milice | | militia |
milieu | | midle |
militaire | | military |
Milk-shake | | milkshake |
mille | | thousand |
mille milliards | | trillion |
milliard | | billion |
million | | million |
millionnaire | | millionaire |
mince | | slender |
mince | | thin |
mineur | | miner |
mineur | | minor |
mini jupe | | miniskirt |
miniature | | miniature |
minimal | | minimal |
minimiser | | minimise |
ministère | | ministry |
ministre | | minister |
minuit | | midnight |
minute | | minute |
Miroiter – Momentané
miroiter | | mirror |
misère | | misery |
mission | | assignment |
mission | | mission |
mitochondrie | | mitochondrion |
mitochondries | | mitochondria |
mixte | | mixed |
Mme | | Mrs |
mobile | | mobile |
mode | | mode |
modération | | moderation |
modérer | | moderate |
moderne | | modern |
modeste | | modest |
modestie | | modesty |
modification | | modification |
modifier | | modify |
moine | | monk |
moineau | | sparrow |
moins | | less |
moins | | minus |
mois | | month |
mollusque univalve | | univalve |
moment | | moment |
momentané | | momentary |
Monarque – Moustache
monarque | | monarch |
monastère | | monastery |
monde | | world |
monstre | | monster |
monstrueux | | monstrous |
montagne | | mountain |
montant | | amount |
monté | | mounted |
monter | | mount |
monument | | monument |
moralité | | morality |
mordre | | bite |
morose | | morose |
mort | | dead |
mortalité | | mortality |
mot | | word |
motif | | motive |
motivation | | motivatio |
motiver | | motivate |
moto | | motorcycle |
mou | | flaccid |
mouchoir | | handkerchief |
mouiller | | wet |
moulin | | mill |
moustache | | moustache |
Moustique – Mythe
moustique | | mosquito |
mouton | | sheep |
mouvement | | movement |
moyen | | medium |
muet | | mute |
multiplication | | multiplication |
multiplier | | multiply |
multitude | | multitude |
municipalité | | municipality |
munition | | munition |
mur | | wall |
mûr | | ripe |
muscle | | muscle |
musée | | museum |
musicien | | musician |
mutant | | mutant |
mutuel | | mutual |
mystère | | mystery |
mystérieux | | mysterious |
mysticisme | | mysticism |
mystique | | mystic |
mythe | | myth |

French Words That Start With M
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