French Words That Start With I
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Ici – Il y avait
French | | English |
| | |
ici | | here |
idéalisme | | idealism |
identification | | identification |
identifier | | identify |
identique | | identical |
identité | | identity |
idéologie | | ideology |
idiome | | idiom |
idiot | | idiot |
idiot | | silly |
idole | | idol |
ignorance | | ignorance |
ignorant | | ignorant |
ignoré | | ignored |
ignorer | | ignore |
il se fait tard | | it is getting late |
il y a | | there is, are |
il y avait | | there was |
Ile – Immersion
île | | island |
île | | isle |
iléon | | ileum |
illuminé | | illuminated |
illusion | | illusion |
illustration | | illustration |
illustre | | illustrious |
illustré | | illustrated |
illustrer | | illustrate |
image | | image |
image | | picture |
imaginaire | | imaginary |
imaginatif | | imaginative |
imagination | | imagination |
imitation | | imitation |
imiter | | imitate |
immédiat | | immediate |
immediatement | | at once |
immédiatement | | immediately |
immense | | immense |
immersion | | immersion |
Immigrant – Importance
immigrant | | immigrant |
immigration | | immigration |
immigrer | | immigrate |
immobile | | immobile |
immortel | | immortal |
immunitaire | | immune |
impacter | | impact |
impair | | odd |
imparfait | | imperfect |
impartial | | impartial |
impatience | | impatience |
impatient | | impatient |
impératrice | | empress |
imperméable | | raincoat |
implicite | | implicit |
impliquer | | implicate |
impliquer | | imply |
impliquer | | involve |
implorer | | implore |
Impoli | | rude |
importance | | importance |
Important – Incessant
important | | important |
important | | significant |
important | | significant |
importation | | importation |
imposant | | imposing |
imposer | | impose |
impossibilité | | impossibility |
impossible | | impossible |
impôt | | impost |
impression | | impression |
impression | | printing |
impressionné | | impressed |
imprimante | | printer |
impuissance | | impotence |
impulsion | | impulse |
impur | | impure |
impureté | | impurity |
inaction | | inaction |
incapable | | incapable |
incarner | | incarnate |
incessant | | incessant |
Incidence – Indifférence
incidence | | incidence |
incident | | incident |
incitation | | incentive |
inclinaison | | incline |
inclination | | inclination |
incommode | | inconvenient |
incomplet | | incomplete |
inconfortable | | uncomfortable |
inconscient | | unconscious |
incroyable | | incredible |
indécis | | indecisive |
indéfinissable | | indefinable |
indépendamment | | regardless |
indépendance | | independence |
indépendant | | independent |
indicatif | | indicative |
indication | | indication |
indice | | clue |
indice | | index |
indifférence | | indifference |
Indifférent – Influent
indifférent | | indifferent |
indignation | | indignation |
indigné | | indignant |
indiquer | | indicate |
indiquer | | point |
indirect | | indirect |
indiscret | | indiscreet |
individualisme | | individualism |
individuel | | individual |
indubitable | | indubitable |
induire | | induce |
industrie | | industry |
ineffable | | ineffable |
infantile | | infantile |
infidèle | | infidel |
infini | | infinite |
infini | | infinity |
infirme | | infirm |
infirmière | | nurse |
influence | | influence |
influent | | influential |
Information – Innocent
information | | information |
informatique | | computational |
informer | | inform |
infraction | | offense |
Infrastructure | | infrastructure |
ingénieur | | engineer |
ingénieur | | engineer |
ingénieux | | ingenious |
ingéniosité | | ingenuity |
ingénu | | ingenuous |
ingérence | | interference |
inhérent | | inherent |
inhiber | | inhibit |
initiale | | initial |
initiation | | initiation |
initiative | | initiative |
initié | | initiated |
injuste | | unjust |
injustice | | injustice |
innocence | | innocence |
innocent | | innocent |
Innovation – Installée
innovation | | innovation |
innover | | innovate |
inoffensif | | inoffensive |
inondation | | flood |
in-quarto | | quarto |
inquiet | | unquiet |
inquiet | | worried |
inquiétude | | inquietude |
insatisfaction | | dissatisfaction |
inscrit | | registered |
insecte | | insect |
insecticide | | insecticide |
insensé | | insane |
insignifiant | | insignificant |
inspecter | | inspect |
inspection | | inspection |
inspiration | | inspiration |
inspiré | | inspired |
instable | | unstable |
installation | | installation |
installée | | installed |
Instant – Intention
instant | | instant |
instinct | | instinct |
instinctif | | instinctive |
institut | | institute |
institution | | institution |
instruction | | instruction |
instruit | | instructed |
instrument | | instrument |
insulter | | insult |
insupportable | | unsupportable |
intégrer | | incorporate |
intégrité | | integrity |
intellectualisme | | intellectualism |
intellectuel | | intellectual |
intelligence | | intelligence |
intelligent | | intelligent |
intelligent | | smart |
intense | | intense |
intensité | | intensity |
intention | | intent |
intention | | intention |
Interactif – Intime
interactif | | interactive |
interdire | | prohibit |
intéressant | | interesting |
intéressé | | interested |
intérêt | | interest |
intérêt | | interest |
interface | | interface |
interférer | | interfere |
intermédiaire | | intermediate |
international | | international |
interne | | internal |
interprétation | | interpretation |
interrompu | | interrupted |
interruption | | interruption |
interstellaire | | interstellar |
interstitiel | | interstitial |
intervalle | | interval |
intervenir | | intervene |
intervention | | intervention |
intestin | | intestine |
intime | | intimate |
Intimité – Ivre
intimité | | intimacy |
intrinsèque | | intrinsic |
introduction | | introduction |
introverti | | introvert |
intuition | | intuition |
inutile | | useless |
invention | | invention |
inverse | | inverse |
inverser | | reverse |
investir | | invest |
invincible | | invincible |
invitation | | invitation |
invité | | guest |
invité | | invited |
invoquer | | invoke |
ironie | | irony |
ironique | | ironic |
irréprochable | | irreproachable |
irresponsable | | irresponsible |
Italie | | Italy |
italien | | Italian |
itinéraire | | itinerary |
ivre | | drunk |

French Words That Start With I
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