French Words That Start With G
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Gagnant – Garage
French | | English |
| | |
gagnant | | winner |
galant | | gallant |
galaxie | | galaxy |
Galerie | | gallery |
galerie marchande | | mall |
gallon | | gallon |
galoches | | galoshes |
galop | | gallop |
gant | | glove |
gants | | gloves |
garage | | garage |
Garantie – Généralité
garantie | | guarantee |
garçon | | boy |
garder | | guard |
gardien de but | | goalkeeper |
garnir | | garnish |
gâteau | | cake |
gazon | | grass |
gazon | | turf |
géant | | giant |
généralement | | generally |
généralité | | generality |
Génération – Géométrie
génération | | generation |
généreuse | | generous |
générique | | generic |
génial | | great |
génie | | genius |
gens | | people |
gentilhomme | | gentleman |
géographie | | geography |
géographique | | geographical |
geôle | | jail |
géométrie | | geometry |
Germe – Globe
germe | | germ |
gestation | | gestation |
geste | | gesture |
gesticulation | | gesticulation |
gigantesque | | gigantic |
girafe | | giraffe |
glace | | ice |
glace | | ice cream |
glace à la vanille | | vanillia ice cream |
glande | | gland |
globe | | globe |
Gloire – Goût
gloire | | glory |
glorieux | | glorious |
glossaire | | glossary |
glouton | | glutton |
glucose | | glucose |
gnostique | | gnostic |
gorge | | throat |
gorille | | gorilla |
gothique | | gothic |
goût | | taste |
Goût piquant – Grand magasin
goût piquant | | pungency |
gouvernement | | government |
gouverneur | | governor |
gracieux | | gracious |
grain | | grain |
grain de raisin | | grape |
graisse | | grease |
grammaire | | grammar |
grammatical | | grammatical |
gramme | | gram |
grand magasin | | department store |
Grande – Gril
grande | | large |
grandeur | | grandeur |
grandiose | | grand |
grand-mère | | grandmother |
grand-père | | grandfather |
grands-parents | | grandparents |
graphique | | chart |
gratuitement | | for free |
gravitation | | gravitation |
grenouille | | frog |
gril | | grill |
Griller – Gym
griller | | toast |
grise | | gray |
gros | | big |
gros | | fat |
grossesse | | pregnancy |
grotesque | | grotesque |
grouper | | group |
guéri | | cured |
guérir | | cure |
guerre | | war |
guider | | guide |
guillemets | | quotation marks |
guitare | | guitar |
gym | | gym |
French Words That Start With G
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