
French Words That Start With C
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This list found below includes the following :
French Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs that all begin with the letter C

Ca sonne – Capacité
French | | English |
| | |
ça sonne | | it rings |
cabine | | cabin |
cabinet | | cabinet |
cabinet (médecins) | | office (doctor’s) |
cacher | | hide |
cadavre | | cadaver |
cadeau | | gift |
cadeau) | | present (gift) |
café | | café |
café | | coffee |
café | | coffee shop |
cage | | cage |
caillette | | abomasum |
calcium | | calcium |
calcul | | calculation |
calcul | | calculus |
calculabilité | | calculability |
calculatrice | | calculator |
calculatrice programmable | | programmable calculator |
Calculatrice scientifique | | scientific calculator |
calendrier | | calendar |
câlin | | hug |
calmar | | squid |
calmer | | calm |
calorie | | calorie |
calvaire | | calvary |
camarade | | comrade |
camarade de classe | | classmate |
cambre | | arch |
camouflage | | camouflage |
camp | | camp |
campagne | | campaign |
Campus | | campus |
canal | | channel |
canard | | duck |
canari | | canary |
candidat | | candidate |
Candide | | candid |
canne | | cane |
canon | | cannon |
canon | | canon |
canonique | | canonical |
cap | | cape |
capable | | capable |
capacité | | ability |
capacité | | capacity |
Caparaçon – Cauchemar
caparaçon | | caparison |
capitaine | | captain |
capital (richesse) | | capital (wealth) |
capital accumulé | | accumulated capital |
capitale) | | capital (city) |
caprice | | caprice |
capricieux | | capricious |
car | | because |
caractères | | lettering |
caractéristique | | characteristic |
caractéristique | | characteristic |
carbonaté | | carbonated |
carbone | | carbon |
carburant diesel | | disel fuel |
cardinal | | cardinal |
carence | | deficiency |
caresse | | caress |
carmin | | carmine |
carnaval | | carnival |
carnet | | notebook |
carnivore | | carnivorous |
carotte | | carrot |
carré | | square |
carrière | | career |
carte | | card |
carte | | map |
carte de crédit | | credit card |
carte postale | | postcard |
cartésien | | Cartesian |
Cas | | case |
cas général | | general case |
cas impossible | | impossible case |
cas particulier | | particular case |
cas particulier | | special case |
caserne de pompiers | | fire station |
caserne de pompiers | | fire station |
casquette | | cap |
cassé | | broken |
caste | | caste |
catalogue | | catalog |
catalogue | | catalogue |
catastrophe | | catastrophe |
catastrophe | | disaster |
Catégorie | | category |
catégorique | | categorical |
caténaire | | catenary |
cathédrale | | cathedral |
cathèdre | | cathedra |
cauchemar | | nightmare |
Causer – Chambre à coucher
causer | | cause |
cavalerie | | cavalry |
cavalier | | cavalier |
cavité | | cavity |
ce | | that |
ce | | this |
ce soir | | tonight |
ceinture | | belt |
célèbre | | famous |
célèbre | | notorious |
céleste | | celestial |
célibataire | | bachelor |
Célibataire | | single |
celles | | those |
celles-ci | | these |
cellulaire | | cellular |
cellule | | cell |
cellule | | cell |
Celsius | | Celsius |
celui-ci | | this one |
Celui-la | | that one |
cent | | cent |
cent | | hundred |
centenaire | | centenary |
centilitre | | centiliter |
centimètre | | centimeter |
centre | | center |
centre ville | | downtown |
centrifuge | | centrifugal |
centripète | | centripetal |
céramique | | ceramic |
cercle | | circle |
cercle | | circle |
cercle circonscrit | | circumcircle |
cercle imaginaire | | imaginary circle |
cercle isométrique | | isometric circle |
cercle nul | | null circle |
cercles concentriques | | concentric circles |
céréale | | cereal |
Cerise | | cherry |
certain | | certain |
certitude | | certainty |
certitude | | certitude |
cerveau | | brain |
cerveau | | cerebrum |
chaîne | | chain |
chaise | | chair |
chaleureux | | warm |
chambre à coucher | | bedroom |
Chameau – Chiffre
chameau | | camel |
champ | | field |
champignon | | muschroom |
champion | | champion |
chance | | luck |
chanceux | | fortunate |
chanceux | | lucky |
chandail | | sweater |
chanson | | song |
chant | | chant |
chaotique | | chaotic |
chapeau | | hat |
chapelet | | rosary |
chapelle | | chapel |
chapitre | | chapter |
chaque | | each |
chaque dimanche | | every Sunday |
Char | | tank |
charger | | charge |
chariot | | trolley |
charité | | charity |
charmant | | charming |
chat | | cat |
Château | | castle |
chaud | | hot |
Chauffer | | heat |
chauffeur | | driver |
chauffeur de taxi | | cab driver |
chaussée | | pavement |
chauve | | bald |
chef | | boss |
chef | | leader |
chemin de fer | | railroad |
cheminée | | chimney |
cheminée | | fireplace |
cheminée | | mantel |
chemise | | shirt |
chemisier | | blouse |
Chèque | | check |
cher | | dear |
cher | | expensive |
chercher | | search |
cheval | | horse |
Cheveu | | hair |
chèvre | | goat |
chewing-gum | | chewing gum |
chien | | dog |
chiffre | | digit |
Chiffre – Classer
chiffre | | figure |
chiffre binaire | | binary digit |
chiffrer | | cipher |
chiffres similaires | | similar figures |
chimère | | chimera |
chimie | | chemistry |
chimique | | chemical |
chimpanzé | | chimpanzee |
chimpanzé | | chimpanzee |
chlore | | chlorine |
Chocolat | | chocolate |
choléra | | cholera |
chômage | | uneployment |
chorale | | choir |
chose | | thing |
choufleur | | cauliflower |
chrome | | chromium |
chroniqueur | | chronicler |
chronologique | | chronologic |
chute de neige, tempête de neige | snowfall, snowstorm |
cicatrice | | scar |
ciel | | sky |
cigarette | | cigarette |
ciment | | cement |
cimetière | | cemetery |
cinq | | five |
cinq cents | | five hundred |
cinquante | | fifty |
cinquième | | fifth |
cintre | | hanger |
cintre | | hanger |
circonférence | | circumference |
circonstance | | circumstance |
circuit | | circuit |
circulaire | | circular |
circulation | | traffic |
cisoïde | | cisoid |
cissoïde | | cissoid |
citation | | citation |
citron | | lemon |
citrouille | | pumpkin |
civilisation | | civilization |
civilisé | | civilized |
clairement | | clearly |
clarification | | clarification |
clarté | | clarity |
classement de patinage sur glace | | ice skaing rank |
classer | | class |
Classification – Colonne
classification | | classification |
classifié | | classified |
classique | | classic |
clé | | key |
clef | | clef |
clerc | | cleric |
client | | client |
client | | customer |
client | | customer |
clientèle | | clientele |
climat | | climate |
clinique | | clinic |
cloche | | bell |
cloître | | cloister |
code | | code |
coefficient | | coefficient |
coefficient binomial | | binomial coefficient |
coefficient indéterminé | | indeterminate coefficient |
coefficient intégral | | integral coefficient |
coefficient littéral | | literal coefficient |
coefficient multinomial | | multinomial coefficient |
coefficient numérique | | numerical coefficient |
coefficient rationnel | | rational coefficient |
cœur | | core |
cœur | | heart |
coffre | | chest |
cofonctions trigonométriques | | trigonometric cofunctions |
cohérent | | coherent |
cohérent | | consistent |
coiffeur | | barber |
coin | | corner |
coïncidence | | coincidence |
coïncident | | coincident |
colinéaire | | collinear |
collaborateur | | collaborator |
collaboration | | collaboration |
collectif | | collective |
collection | | collection |
collectionneur | | collector |
collectionneur | | collector |
collègue | | colleague |
collier | | collar |
Collier | | necklace |
colocataire | | roommate |
côlon | | colon |
colonel | | colonel |
colonie | | colony |
colonne | | column |
Colonne initiale – Complexe
colonne initiale | | initial column |
colonne terminale | | terminal column |
coloré | | colored |
colossal | | colossal |
combat | | combat |
combattant | | combatant |
combien | | how many |
combien | | how much |
combien de temps | | how long |
combinaison | | combination |
combinaison | | suit |
comète | | comet |
Comité | | committee |
commande | | order |
commandé | | ordered |
comme | | as |
comme ça | | like that |
Comme ci comme ça | | so so |
commencement | | commencement |
comment | | how |
comment ça va | | how are things |
comment cela s’est passé | | how did it turn out |
Comment vas-tu | | how are you |
commentaire | | commentary |
Commerce | | commerce |
commercial | | commercial |
commissaire | | commissary |
commission | | commission |
commodité | | convenience |
commun | | common |
communauté | | community |
communisme | | Communism |
communiste | | communist |
commutatif | | commutative |
commutativité | | commutativity |
compact | | compact |
Compagnie aérienne | | airline |
Comparaison | | comparison |
compatissant | | compassionate |
compatriote | | compatriot |
compensation | | compensation |
compétence | | competence |
compétence | | competency |
compétent | | competent |
compétitif | | competitive |
complément | | complement |
complémentaire | | complementary |
complètement | | completely |
complexe | | complex |
Complication – Confondu
complication | | complication |
compliqué | | complicated |
composant | | component |
composant imaginaire | | imaginary component |
composé | | composed |
composition | | composition |
compréhensible | | comprehensible |
compréhension | | comprehension |
compris | | inclusive |
compris entre | | between |
compter | | count |
comtesse | | countess |
concave | | concave |
concavité | | concavity |
concentrique | | concentric |
concept | | concept |
conception | | conception |
concert | | concert |
Concession | | concession |
conclusion logique | | logical conclusion |
concombre | | cucumber |
concours | | concurrence |
concours | | contest |
concurrence | | competition |
concurrent | | competitor |
concurrent | | concurrent |
condamné | | condemned |
condamné | | convict |
condition initiale | | initial condition |
condition nécessaire | | necessary condition |
condition suffisante | | sufficient condition |
conditionnel | | conditional |
conduit | | conduit |
conduite | | conduct |
cône | | cone |
cône circulaire | | circular cone |
confédération | | confederation |
conférence | | conference |
conférence | | lecture |
confesseur | | confessor |
confession | | confession |
confettis | | confetti |
confiance | | confidence |
confiant | | confident |
confidentiel | | confidential |
confirmé | | confirmed |
Confiture | | jam |
conflit | | conflict |
confondu | | confounded |
Conforme – Consultation
conforme | | conformable |
conforme | | congruent |
conformité | | conformity |
confortable | | cozy |
confus | | confused |
confusion | | confusion |
congelé | | frozen |
congrégation | | congregation |
congrès | | congress |
congruence | | congruence |
conique | | conic |
conjecture | | conjecture |
conjecture mathématique | | mathematical conjecture |
conjoint | | conjoint |
conjoint | | spouse |
conjonction | | conjunction |
conjugué | | conjugated |
conjuguer | | conjugate |
connaissances | | knowledge |
connexion | | connection |
conque | | conch |
conquérant | | conqueror |
conquête | | conquest |
consacré | | consecrated |
conscience | | conscience |
conscience | | consciousness |
conscient | | conscious |
consécutif | | consecutive |
Conseil | | counsel |
conseiller | | counselor |
conseils | | advice |
consentement | | consent |
conséquence | | consequence |
conséquent | | consequent |
conservateur | | conservator |
conservateur | | preservative |
considération | | consideration |
consolateur | | consoler |
consolation | | consolation |
consommation | | consumption |
constant | | constant |
constante littérale | | literal constant |
constante numérique | | numerical constant |
constellation | | constellation |
constitutif | | constitutive |
Constitution | | constitution |
constitutionnel | | constitutional |
construction | | construction |
consultation | | consultation |
Contact – Copieux
contact | | contact |
contagieux | | contagious |
contagion | | contagion |
contamination | | contamination |
conte | | tale |
contemplation | | contemplation |
contemporain | | contemporaneous |
contemporain | | contemporary |
content | | happy |
contenu | | content |
contenu | | content |
contestation | | dispute |
contigu | | contiguous |
continent | | continent |
continu | | continuous |
continuation | | continuation |
continuer | | resume |
Continuez | | continue |
continuité | | continuity |
contour | | contour |
contradiction | | contradiction |
contradictoire | | contradictory |
contraire | | contrary |
contraposé | | contrapositive |
contraposition | | contraposition |
contrariété | | contrariety |
contrastant | | contrasting |
contraste | | contrast |
Contrat | | contract |
Contrat | | contract |
contre | | against |
contre-coup | | counter blow |
contre-intuitif | | counterintuitive |
contrer | | counter |
contribution | | contribution |
controverse | | controversy |
convaincu | | convinced |
convention | | convention |
conventionnel | | conventional |
convergence | | convergence |
convergent | | convergent |
conversation | | conversation |
converser | | converse |
converti | | converted |
convexe | | convex |
convexité | | convexity |
conviction | | conviction |
copie | | copy |
copieux | | copious |
Copine – Courbe dégénérative
copine | | girlfriend |
corbeille | | basket |
corbeille | | wastebasket |
corde | | rope |
Cordialement | | sincerely |
cordialité | | cordiality |
corollaire | | corollary |
corps | | body |
corps | | corpse |
corpulence | | stoutness |
correct | | correct |
correct | | proper |
correctement | | correctly |
correctif | | corrective |
correction | | correction |
corrélation | | correlation |
corrélation inverse | | inverse correlation |
corrélation négative | | negative correlation |
correlation positive | | positive correlation |
correspondance | | correspondence |
correspondance isométrique | | isometric correspondence |
correspondant | | correspondent |
cortex | | cortex |
corvée | | chore |
cosmique | | cosmic |
costume | | costume |
côte | | coast |
côté | | side |
coton | | cotton |
Couleur | | color |
couleur café | | coffee colored |
couleur orange) | | orange (color) |
couloir | | corridor |
couloir | | hallway |
coupable | | guilty |
Coupe | | cup |
coupler | | couple |
coupon | | coupon |
coupure | | disconnection |
Cour | | yard |
courage | | courage |
courant | | current |
courbe | | curve |
courbe | | curve |
courbe algébrique | | algebraic curve |
courbe binomiale | | binomial curve |
courbe circulaire | | circular curve |
courbe concave | | concave curve |
courbe dégénérative | | degenerative curve |
Courbe inverse – Cru
courbe inverse | | inverse curve |
courbe normale | | normal curve |
courbe paramétrique | | parametric curve |
courbe périodique | | periodic curve |
courbe quadratique | | quadratic curve |
courbe sécante | | secant curve |
courbe symétrique | | symmetrical curve |
courbe tangente | | tangent curve |
courbe transcendantale | | transcendental curve |
courbure | | curvature |
couronne | | crown |
courrier | | courier |
courrier | | mail |
cours | | course |
cours | | lesson |
course | | race |
court | | short |
courtois | | courteous |
courtoisie | | courtesy |
cousine | | cousin |
Coût | | cost |
couteau | | knife |
couvent | | convent |
couverture | | blanket |
couverture | | cover |
covariance | | covariance |
craie | | chalk |
crampe | | cramp |
crâne | | cranium |
crayon | | pencil |
créateur | | creator |
création | | creation |
créature | | creature |
crédit | | credit |
crème | | cream |
Crème | | custard |
Crétacé | | Cretaceous |
crête | | crest |
crétinisme | | cretinism |
crevette | | shrimp |
cribler | | riddle |
cristal | | crystal |
cristalline | | crystalline |
critère | | criterion |
Critères | | criteria |
critique | | critic |
critique | | critical |
crocodile | | crocodile |
cru | | raw |
Cruauté – Cynique
cruauté | | cruelty |
crustacé | | crustacean |
cube | | cube |
cubique | | cubic |
cuboïde | | cuboid |
cuillère | | spoon |
cuillère à café | | teaspoon |
cuisine | | kitchen |
cuisiner | | cook |
cuivré | | coppery |
culmination | | culmination |
culte | | cult |
cultivateur | | cultivator |
cultivation | | cultivation |
culture | | culture |
cumulus | | cumulus |
curieuse | | curious |
curiosité | | curiosity |
cycle | | cycle |
cyclique | | cyclic |
cyclique | | cyclical |
cylindre | | cylinder |
cylindre circulaire | | circular cylinder |
cylindrique | | cylindrical |
cynique | | cynical |

French Words That Start With C
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