
French Words That Start With B
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This list found below includes the following :
French Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs that all begin with the letter B

French Words That Start With B
Baggage – Banquet
French | | English |
| | |
bagage | | luggage |
bague | | ring |
baie | | bay |
baignoire | | bath tub |
baïonnette | | bayonet |
balais | | broom |
balançoire | | swing |
balcon | | balcony |
baleine | | whale |
Balle | | ball |
banane | | banana |
bande | | band |
bande dessinée | | comic |
bandit | | bandit |
banlieue | | suburbs |
bannière | | banner |
Banque | | bank |
banquet | | banquet |
Banquier – Bateau
banquier | | banker |
bar | | bar |
barbare | | barbarian |
barbare | | barbaric |
barbarie | | barbarity |
baril | | barrel |
baromètre | | barometer |
barométrique | | barometric |
baroque | | baroque |
barricade | | barricade |
barrière | | barrier |
barycentre | | barycenter |
bas | | bottom |
bas | | stockings |
base | | basis |
base orthonormée | | orthonormal base |
base-ball | | baseball |
basket-ball | | basketball |
bassin | | pool |
bataille | | battle |
bateau | | boat |
Bateau – Béton
bateau | | ship |
bâtiment | | building |
battre en retraite | | retreat |
bavard | | talkative |
Beau | | handsome |
beau fils | | son-in-law |
beaucoup | | a lot |
beaucoup | | much |
beau-frère | | brother in law |
beau-père | | father-in-law |
bébé | | baby |
bébé | | infant |
bêche | | spade |
belle-fille | | daughter in law |
belle-mère | | mother-in-law |
bénédiction | | benediction |
bénéfice | | benefice |
bénin | | benign |
berceuse | | lullaby |
besoin | | need |
béton | | concrete |
Beurre – Biologique
Beurre | | butter |
bibliothèque | | bookcase |
bibliothèque | | library |
biblique | | biblical |
biconditionnel | | biconditional |
bien | | good |
bien | | well |
bien sûr | | of course |
bien-être | | well-being |
biens | | property |
bientôt | | soon |
bienveillance | | benevolence |
bienveillant | | benevolent |
Bienvenue | | welcome |
Bière | | beer |
bijou | | jewel |
bijoux | | jewelry |
billet | | ticket |
binaire | | binary |
Biographie | | biography |
biologique | | biological |
Biologique – Bonjour
biologique | | organic |
biscuit | | cookie |
bismuth | | bismuth |
bissectrice interne | | internal bisector |
bissectrice perpendiculaire | | perpendicular bisector |
Blague | | Joke |
blanche | | white |
blasphème | | blasphemy |
blessés | | wounded |
blessure | | injury |
bleu | | blue |
blond | | blond |
bloquer | | block |
bois | | wood |
boisson | | drink |
boisson gazeuse | | sofrt drink |
boîte | | box |
boites aux lettres | | mailbox |
bombardier | | bombardear |
bombe | | bomb |
Bonjour | | hello |
Bonne nuit (soir) – Bouton
bonne nuit (soir) | | good night (evening) |
bore | | boron |
bottes | | boots |
bouche | | mouth |
Boucher | | butcher |
boucherie | | butchershop |
boucle d’oreille | | earring |
bouddhisme | | Buddhism |
bouge toi | | move |
bougie | | candle |
boulanger | | baker |
boulangerie | | bakery |
boulevard | | boulevard |
bouquet | | bouquet |
Bourse | | purse |
bousiller | | bust |
boussole | | compass |
bouteille | | bottle |
boutique | | store |
bouton | | button |
bouton | | pimple |
Boxeur – Brunette
boxeur | | boxer |
bracelet | | bracelet |
bras | | arm |
bras (arme) | | arm (weapon) |
braver | | brave |
bref | | brief |
brièveté | | brevity |
brillant | | bright |
brillant | | brilliant |
brillant | | shiny |
brique | | brick |
brise | | breeze |
brocoli | | broccoli |
brome | | bromine |
bronze | | bronze |
brosser | | brush |
brouillard | | fog |
broyer | | pound |
bruit | | noise |
brumeux | | foggy |
brunette | | brunette |
Brusque – Brotherhood
brusque | | abrupt |
brut | | crude |
Bureau | | office |
Bureau | | office |
bureau de poste | | post office |
bus touristique | | sightseeing bus |
but | | goal |
but | | purpose |
brilliant | | brillant |
broccoli | | brocoli |
broken | | cassé |
bromine | | brome |
bronze | | bronze |
broom | | balais |
brother | | frère |
brotherhood | | fraternité |
Brother in law – By
brother in law | | beau-frère |
brown | | marron |
brunette | | brunette |
brush | | brosser |
Buddhism | | bouddhisme |
building | | bâtiment |
bus | | autobus |
business | | affaires |
businessman | | homme d’affaire |
bust | | bousiller |
busy | | occupé |
but | | mais |
but (following a negative statement) | | mais (suite à une déclaration négative) |
butcher | | Boucher |
butchershop | | boucherie |
butter | | Beurre |
butterfly | | papillon |
button | | bouton |
by | | par |

French Words That Start With B