Adjectives in French and English
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Agrรฉable โ Chanceux
French | | English |
| | |
Agrรฉable | | Nice |
Agrรฉable | | Pleasant |
Amer | | Bitter |
Amical | | Friendly |
Amusant | | Fun |
Avare | | Stingy |
Bien | | Good |
Brillant | | Bright |
Chanceux | | Lucky |
Chaud โ Difficile
Chaud | | Hot |
Cher | | Expensive |
Content | | Happy |
Court | | Short |
Dangereux | | Dangerous |
De bonne heure | | Early |
De nombreux | | Many |
Dรฉsagrรฉable | | unpleasant |
Dรฉtendu | | Relaxed |
Difficile | | Difficult |
Doux โ Exact
Doux | | Soft |
Du froid | | Cold |
Dur | | Hard |
En colรจre | | Angry |
En retard | | Late |
Ennuyeux | | Boring |
รpais | | Thick |
รtroit | | Narrow |
Exact | | Right |
Excellent โ Gรฉnรฉreuse
Excellent | | Excellent |
Excitรฉ | | Excited |
Facile | | Easy |
Faible | | Weak |
Faux | | false |
Fermรฉ | | Closed |
Fort | | Loud |
Fort | | Strong |
Fou | | Crazy |
Gรฉnรฉreuse | | Generous |
Gros โ Inutile
Gros | | Big |
Gros | | Fat |
Grossier | | Rude |
Haut | | High |
Haut | | Tall |
Important | | Important |
Inquiet | | Worried |
Intelligent | | Intelligent |
Intรฉressant | | Interesting |
Inutile | | Useless |
Jeune โ Lourd
Jeune | | Young |
Jolie | | pretty |
Lรขche | | Loose |
Laid | | Ugly |
Large | | Wide |
Lรฉger | | Light |
Lent | | Slow |
Loin | | Far |
Long | | Long |
Lourd | | Heavy |
Magnifique โ Nouvelle
Magnifique | | Beautiful |
Mal | | Bad |
Malade | | sick |
Malchanceux | | Unlucky |
Meugler | | Low |
Mince | | lean |
Mince | | Thin |
Mort | | Dead |
Mouiller | | Wet |
Nettoyer | | Clean |
Nouvelle | | New |
Ouvrir โ Quelque
Ouvrir | | Open |
Pas cher | | Cheap |
Pauvre | | Poor |
Petit | | Small |
Peu profond | | Shallow |
Plein | | Full |
Poli | | Polite |
Prรจs | | Near |
Profond | | Deep |
Quelque | | Few |
Riche โ Svelte
Riche | | Rich |
Sale | | Dirty |
Sans importance | | Unimportant |
Sรฉcher | | Dry |
Serrรฉ | | Tight |
Silencieux | | Quiet |
Sombre | | Dark |
Stupide | | Stupid |
Sucrรฉ | | Sweet |
Sรปr | | Safe |
Svelte | | slim |
Terrible โ Vivant
Terrible | | Terrible |
Timide | | Shy |
Tort | | Wrong |
Triste | | Sad |
Utile | | Useful |
Vรฉritรฉ | | truth |
Vide | | Empty |
Vieux | | Old |
Vite | | Fast |
Vivant | | Alive |
Adjectives in French and English
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