Family in English to French
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
Family – Granddaughter
English | | French |
| | |
The Family | | La famille |
| | |
The aunt | | La tante |
The brother | | Le frère |
The brother-in-law | | Le beau-frère |
The cousin, boy cousin | | Le cousin, petit cousin |
The cousin, girl cousin | | La cousine, cousine |
The dad | | Le papa |
The daughter-in-law | | La belle-fille |
The Father | | Le père |
The father-in-law | | Le beau-père |
The granddaughter | | La petite-fille |
Grandfather – Great-Grandmother
The grandfather | | Le grand-père |
The grandma/grandmom | | La grand-mère/grand-mère |
The grandmother | | La grand-mère |
The grand-nephew | | Le petit-neveu |
The grand-niece | | La petite-nièce |
The grandpa/granddad | | Le grand-père/grand-père |
The grandson | | Le petit-fils |
The great-aunt/grand-aunt | | La grand-tante/grand-tante |
The great-granddaughter | | L’arrière-petite-fille |
The great-grandfather | | L’arrière-grand-père |
The great-grandmother | | L’arrière-grand-mère |
Great-Grandson – Nephew
The great-grandson | | L’arrière-petit-fils |
The great-great-granddaughter | | L’arrière-arrière-petite-fille |
The great-great-grandfather | | L’arrière-arrière-grand-père |
The great-great-grandmother | | L’arrière-arrière-grand-mère |
The great-uncle/grand-uncle | | Le grand-oncle/grand-oncle |
The half-brother | | Le demi-frère |
The half-sister | | La demi-sœur |
The mom/mum | | La maman/maman |
The mother | | La mère |
The mother-in-law | | La belle-mère |
The nephew | | Le neveu |
Niece – Stepdad
The niece | | La nièce |
The older brother/big brother | | Le frère aîné/grand frère |
The older sister/big sister | | La sœur aînée/grande sœur |
The sister | | La soeur |
The sister-in-law | | La belle-sœur |
The son-in-law | | Le gendre |
The stepbrother | | Le demi-frere |
The stepdad | | Le beau-père |
Stepfather – Younger Sister/Little Sister
The stepfather | | Le beau-père |
The stepmom/stepmum | | La belle-mère/belle-mère |
The stepmother | | La belle-mère |
The stepsister | | La demi-soeur |
The uncle | | L’oncle |
The younger brother/little brother | Le jeune frère/petit frère |
The younger sister/little sister | | La sœur cadette/petite sœur |
Family in English to French
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