Internal Organs of the Human Body in English to French
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
the internal organs – kidney
English |
French |
the internal organs |
les organes internes |
the anus |
l’anus |
the cervix |
le col de l’utérus |
the gallbladder |
la vésicule biliaire |
the heart |
le cœur |
the kidney |
le rein |
kidneys – ovaries
the kidneys |
les reins |
the large intestine |
le gros intestin |
the liver |
le foie |
the lung |
le poumon |
the lungs |
les poumons |
the ovaries |
les ovaires |
ovary – stomach
the ovary |
l’ovaire |
the prostrate gland |
la glande prostrée |
the rectum |
le rectum |
the scrotum |
le scrotum |
the small intestine |
l’intestin grêle |
the stomach |
l’estomac |
testicle – uterus
the testicle |
le testicule |
the testicles |
les testicules |
the throat |
la gorge |
the urethra |
l’urètre |
the uterus |
l’utérus |
Internal Organs of the Human Body in English to French
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